What is habits?
Habits are in our DNA,
rooted deeply inside us.
With this body,
we get habits from our ancestors
for many generations.
Those habits are in our DNA,
rooted deeply inside us.
We live as a slave of our habits
since we think, speak,
and act according
to they tell us to do.
Habits are very dirty
and shorter our life span.
The most important is
that we can’t completely
get rid of our minds
if we don’t eliminate habits.
When we eliminate all our Karma
and become universe mind,
we can see illusionary pictures
then we can start eliminating our habits.
It takes a long time
and we have to do it with patience
then we can be free from
our false mind and find Truth within us.
from Ratha (3. Apr. 2023)
Meditation Is
The Best Medicine
By Dr. Mariam Ejaz - Series 2:
Meditation & Epigenetics Part.1
Meditation Is The Best Medicine
By Dr. Mariam Ejaz
- Question And Answer Series
Part. 3 : Telomere
Please watch carefully this video.
Thank you for reading
Hope see you soon