Showing posts with label #standing on the path. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #standing on the path. Show all posts


Asking the way while standing on the path

Asking the way while standing on the path. 

A person in South America became very angry 
when I told people they can become Truth 
if they repent all of their sins. 

He asked how a mere human 
could possibly dare to think of becoming Truth. 

The existence of Truth, the creator of the universe, 
has existed since the beginning.

This existence is the origin of all creations and ourselves.
When one returns to this origin, only Truth remains. 

When one returns to Truth and is reborn, 
he himself is Truth. 

How many people in the past died while searching and striving for Truth? 

Even now, countless people are meditating and practicing asceticism 
in mountains and other places all over the world. 

Many others have isolated themselves 
from people and the world in order to find Truth.

This is like asking the way while standing on the path, 
and looking for Truth within Truth, 
because there is nowhere Truth is not present 
and there is nothing that is not Truth. 

When one denies his self by repenting, 
or rather, when he offers up his existence to Truth 
and only the existence of Truth remains, 
he can be reborn as the existence of Truth itself. 

This is true grace. 

All material things in the world eventually disappear 
but the existence that never disappears, 
the Universe before the Universe, is Truth. 

When one discards everything in the world, 
this existence remains. 

When he is reborn as the Spirit and Soul of this existence, 
he lives forever and heaven is the place where he is. 

If a place where one can become Truth by repenting exists, 
it is, without a doubt, a signal that the era of Truth has begun.
We must be awake at this time.

Reference: Heaven's formula for saving the world.