What kind of a life is a well-lived life?
The way for a person to live well
is being absent of his mind
and act according to Nature's flow.
Nature's flow is of its own accord.
Nature's flow is as it is.
it is only when man lives absent of his mind
that he too could be of Nature's flow.
To do as your body naturally does is the flow of nature.
What this means is,
if he were to become bound to a certain thought,
he would be unable to see it the right way
thus, he couldn't act accordingly.
Such thoughts are what confines him,
he is bound to his karma and habits.
When man eliminates his life, his shape - his body-
is able to act of its own accord
according to Nature's flow.
Do not worry about life and living well;
instead, try living absent of your mind.
When you are absent of mind,
your body will naturally be able to act
according to Nature's flow.
Just as the planets have no purpose, will, or thought
but live by their own ability for self-existence,
so can you.
The difference between acts
that stem from man's thoughts
and the ability for self-existence is
that thoughts enslave man
- they keep him bound -
while the ability for self-existence
is a thing that is of itself
and is of Nature's flow.
This ability for self-existence has
no hindrances, hang-ups, or conflicts
and so one's life would be smooth sailing.
Reference: The enlightened world.