
The Best Meditation for Human Completion

Hi, Everyone, Happy with you.

The reason we meditate and the goal of meditation;
since humans are incomplete, we meditate to become complete.

Completion is when the falseness becomes Truth.

When the falseness becomes Truth,
there is no further meditation to do.

There are countless meditation practices:
a meditation where you contemplate on one topic,
stillness meditation, breathing meditation,
and a meditation where you focus your gaze on a candle flame.

However, if people want to achieve human completion,
or if they want to achieve the final goal of meditation,
they must throw away their mind.

Without discarding their mind,
being seated only fatigues the body.

But, when people eliminate their false mind,
they will have Truth in their mind.

and as much as Truth exists within, people can enlighten.

Then only the true mind remain.

When only Truth exists within
and people are born in the true world,
only Truth and the land of Truth exist,
so people can achieve human completion
and become enlightened beings.

That's why this meditation of throwing away the false world
and being born into the true world is the absolute meditation.

When people achieve this,
they do not have to meditate anymore.

If you are interested in
changing your life by changing your core,
please contact us 
**Email: phnompenhmeditation@gmail.com
**Phone: 012207104 (Telegram, WhatsApp)
**Register for beginner for 1:1 Session https://forms.gle/xpM8eCFVgMKxu2TF9

Please watch this video carefully about 

Thank you.