
What kind of world is nice to live in?

Hi, Everyone, Happy with you.

What kind of world is 
nice to live in?

Now is the time a man no longer struggles 
to appease his feelings of inferiority, 
and all people in the world become one;

a time when there are no divisions between 
nations and everyone is one;

a time when religion, 
philosophy and ideology become one
and people live working for the betterment 
of others;

a time when the sky has become low 
and within reach,
and people living in the sky, no longer 
feel inferior and lack for nothing.

In other words, it has become a time
beyond human conceptions and 

a time of achieving completion 
when people do not die after death,
but live forever;

a time when this world 
and the world beyond are not separate 
but one;

a time of endless laughter;
a time when there are no songs 
of lamentation for the dead;

a time when man has wisdom 
and no thoughts or delusions,

a time free from birth, aging, 
sickness and death;

a time when this place here on earth 
is heaven;
a time of humanitarian world living 
in harmony;
a time when one lives with nature's flow;

A time without greed, when no one thieves 
or robs and people do not do each other 

In a time when we can live without the law,
we must discard the evil, selfish, human mind
and change it into the mind of Truth.

from A new age written by Woo Myung


We all want to live in a nice world, 
but what does that really mean? 

A nice world is one where everyone is 
treated with kindness and respect, 
and where people work together 
to make things better for everyone.

In a nice world, there is no bullying 
or discrimination. 
People are accepted for who they are, 
no matter what their race, gender, 
religion, or background maybe. 
Everyone has access to the same
opportunities and nobody is left behind.

A nice world is also a safe world. 
Crime is low, and people feel secure 
in their homes and communities. 
They can trust that their needs will be 
taken care of, and that they will be 
protected from harm.

In a nice world, 
people are happy and healthy. 
They have access to good healthcare, 
education, and clean water and air. 
They can pursue their passions and 
dreams, and live fulfilling lives.

Finally, a nice world is one where people 
take care of the planet. 
We are all responsible for making sure 
that the Earth is healthy and sustainable
for future generations. 

We should reduce our use of plastic 
and other harmful materials, 
recycle whenever possible, 
and support clean energy and 
conservation efforts.

Overall, a nice world is one where 
everyone feels valued and cared for, 
and where we work together to create 
a better future for all. 

Let's do our part to make that world a reality!

Do you have How to do that?

1. Treat others with kindness and respect: 
We can start by being kind and 
respectful to everyone we meet. 
This means listening to others, being patient, 
and trying to understand different perspectives. 
We should also speak up if we witness bullying 
or discrimination and work towards creating 
a more inclusive society.

2. Work together to solve problems: 
Instead of blaming others or looking 
for quick solutions, we should work together 
to find long-term solutions to problems. 
This means collaborating with people from 
different backgrounds and perspectives to find
common ground and create positive change.

3. Support causes we care about: 
We should support causes and organizations 
that align with our values and beliefs. 
This can include volunteering, 
donating money, or raising awareness 
about important issues.

4. Practice self-care: 
We should take care of ourselves 
physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

This means eating well, 
getting enough sleep, 
exercising regularly, 
and finding ways to manage stress 
and anxiety.

5. Take care of the planet: 
We can reduce our environmental 
footprint by using less energy, 
conserving water, recycling, and 
using public transportation or 
biking instead of driving. 
We can also support clean energy 
and conservation efforts in our 

6. Educate ourselves and others: 
We can learn more about important issues 
facing our world and sharing our knowledge 
with others. This can include meditating for 
clean minds, reading books and articles, 
watching documentaries, 
or attending workshops and seminars.

By taking these actions, 
we can work towards creating a nicer
 world for ourselves and future generations.

Thank you all of you.
Let's live well 
with a healthy body and mind!