
How to become the true mind?

How to become the true mind?

There are two kinds of minds for humans.
The True mind and False mind.

What is the True mind?
What is the false mind?

Let's talk about the true mind.

The true mind is infinite emptiness. 
It is never changing, everlasting, origin.
Everything came from this origin and will go back to this origin.

How to become the true mind?
In other to become the true mind we have to 
come out from the human mind world.

1. Those of you who have the true mind are the rich in heart, 
and therefore you lack nothing. 
2. He would live with a mind of pure emptiness that is 
cut off from everything.
3. Such a mind that has become Truth would not debate 
the rights or wrongs of what is or not. 
4. Nor would it have confrontations, since it accepts everything; 
It would just live and exist as it is.