
What does the human mind look like, and why must it be abandoned

What does the human mind look like, and why must it be abandoned

Close your eyes and imagine a cockroach. 

Now, imagine that you're having dinner and suddenly discover a cockroach in your food. 

What thoughts and emotions arise within you? 

The thoughts and emotions that surface in that moment are the ones you need to let go

Feelings of disgust and anger toward the Cockroach and thoughts that all cockroaches should be eradicated are likely to arise. 

But what happens if you don't let go of these feelings? 

You might start checking your food for cockroaches every time you eat, and this could become a habitual Behavior. 

Even just seeing a picture of a cockroach might evoke feelings of disgust and stress. 

From the cockroach's perspective, it simply entered your food in a random act of survival.

The cockroach ending up in your meal was a mere happenstance. 

However, you cling to this incident and develop a hatred for cockroaches. 

Who suffers the most from this hatred toward cockroaches?
It's you who suffers.

Ultimately, what makes you suffer most is the environment and conditions in which you live, where you capture experiences with your senses, forming countless thoughts and emotions in a single mental snapshot.

These snapshots include the images captured by your eyes, The Sounds recorded by your ears, the sensations felt by your skin, the tastes experienced by your mouth, and the smells detected by your nose 

- Each containing a myriad of thoughts and emotions created at the speed of light. 

Our meditation practice involves recalling and discarding each mental snapshot stored in your mind.

To discard a snapshot is to let go of the thoughts and emotions that were created by yourself at that moment 

In other words, discarding the snapshot means discarding all the thoughts and emotions that were recorded in the mental video captured by your senses at that time. 

Once you've discarded the video, along with all the associated thoughts and emotions about the cockroach in your meal, you will no longer have any feelings toward cockroaches. 

You won't kill the cockroach out of hatred, but simply because it's a potential health hazard. 

You'll focus on maintaining cleanliness to remove the environment where cockroaches can
Every being acts in order to exist. 

Creating thoughts and emotions of hatred and resentment towards other beings in the world, just to maintain your existence, is a foolish waste of energy. 

But know that hatred and resentment do not contribute to your healthy existence. 

You must discard all thoughts that do not benefit you. 
That is the only way to find happiness. 




People complain that they have no blessings. 

They say that they are not blessed in terms of their parents, spouse, children, or finances; and they complain about their lives. 

Countless people live with countless different matters of life. 

A blessing means to find the place which speaks of oneness. 

In other words, it means to see the place that speaks of Truth, which is oneness.

People speak and act to the extent of what they have in their minds. 

Therefore only when they have blessings in their minds are they blessed. 

Those who do not have blessings in their minds envy other people's fortune. 

People will live and have as many blessings in the world as they have within their minds. 

A person who does not have those blessings in his mind will live without it.

What currently determines one's actions and spoken words is his mind within. 

Therefore people who do not have blessings in the mind are not blessed because they cannot accept blessings and only reject them. 

You cannot earn money just by thinking and talking about earning money. 

But rather you will earn just as much as your mind is prepared to accept and act. 

What determines one's actions is his mind, and thus people live accordingly, no more, no less. 

As I meet more and more people, I find that many people have closed minds, and therefore they do not have blessings.

Those who have an open mind can accept and contain everything. 

Therefore, they can contain blessings. 

No matter what they do, people with big minds will be successful without conflicts and hindrances as they work and behave without their frames of mind, which are their selves. 

People who try to fit the world into their own selfish minds will find the world disagreeable. 

When their minds become as big as the world, they can understand the world and fit into it. 

People who do not have Truth in their minds cannot accomplish anything because their minds change all the time; and even though their minds are busy they achieve nothing. 

But the minds of those who have a foundation of Truth are not busy; their actions match their words, for which they can gain as much as they have done; thus they live righteous and successful lives.

We can commonly see people praying for blessings, but there is no room in their minds for blessings. 

In other words, they have narrow minds and their minds are not big enough and are not a true existence. 

Blessings will reside only in those who have a big mind, who have a clean mind. 

Moreover, blessings come from one's actions, and those actions come from their minds. 

Therefore, when people truly cleanse their minds and are reborn as Truth, they will have their worldly blessings as well. 

The biggest blessing in the world for man is to become complete and live eternally. 

A person with true blessings will not expect blessings for him but accumulates true blessings for others.

Blessings do not come when you ask or beg for it, but blessings are something we build like we build a house. 

When you accumulate your blessings in the kingdom of your true mind, you will live forever with those blessings in the everlasting true land. 

One who does not have blessings in his mind expects blessings, while one who has blessings in the mind accumulates blessings. 

Blessings do not come to one who expects blessings for he expects them through his false mind. 

But one who accumulates his blessings will build his blessings and everything he does will be a blessing.

Reference: Great Teacher Woo Myung's book "The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living" p.331



Not long ago, there was a book called, "Conversations with God, which was a bestseller in the U.S. 

Also, there are some people who say that they have received revelations from God while praying in the mountains. 

However, prior to this, people must first know what God is. 

God is the origin of all creations and both the mother and father of all creations. 

God is the omnipotent and omniscient Creator. 

God is the universe before the universe, both body and mind of the universe. 

God exists in the emptiness where nothing exists. 

That emptiness is the body of the universe and God exists in it. 

People cannot see God because they do not have God in their mind due to their false minds.

People know, speak, and live according to what they have in their minds. 

What they have seen, heard, and learned are all stored within their minds. 

They live thinking that such things they have stored in their minds are knowledge. 

In order to have the widest, biggest, highest, and lowest mind of the universe, we must cleanse both our bodies and minds and even the universe that is in our minds. 

People know as much as what they have within their mind, and likewise, people know God when God resides within their minds. 

This itself is the existence of Truth. Truth is the eternal, never-dying God.

There will be the world of God, the true world, when this world, which is hell, along with oneself of this world no longer exists. 

A person, who no longer has his self and is reborn as God, is God. 

When we talk about 'revelations from God,' the 'God' here seems to be similar to God, but since such revelations occur within one's own mind, it is not truly God. 

True God cannot be known through revelations, but through wisdom; this is Truth.

Conversations with God are actually the sounds of one's own false mind, and the revelations received through prayer is also the same. 

As time passes, such things are results of one's greed. 

Such things occur in one's own mind. 

And when people say they can read the minds of others, they are actually reciting what they have in their own minds.

A person who has been reborn with the body and mind of God knows through wisdom, and does not have rervelations. 

When asked, "What is the reason for living? 

And what is the purpose of life?" a person who has been reborn will respond, "To live eternally," which has come to know through wisdom. 

When asked, "Are there any descendants of Truth?" one who has become Truth knows with wisdom that everyone who becomes Truth is a child of God, one with God, and God itself. 

When one is enlightened of all eight levels of this Meditation, he is a complete person. 

If there are any questions as to whether he is complete or not complete, then he is not complete and is false. 

If he still has a false God who says whether or not he is complete, then that is all false.

A person whose mind has been completely reborn as Truth is one who has achieved completion; and he himself knows that he has achieved completion. 

It is false to say that some existence from heaven can make one complete. 

Enlightenment is to know as much as one's mind has become enlarged and cleansed. 

Only a person who is completely enlightened of all eight levels will know what is false. 

Some people say that there exists a fifth-dimensional world or a fourth-dimensional world, but all of these are delusional worlds. 

Only the perfect Truth exists in the true and perfect world. 

This is the world of the eternal and never-dying God.

Only this world is the highest and the most perfect world of Truth. 
This world just exists as it is.

Reference: The great teacher Woo Myung's book 
"The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living" p.199

When You Become Truth

When You Become Truth

When you become Truth

There is no mind of self

When everybody returns to the original mind of Truth

This world will become one

Because everybody is of one mind

Their minds do not change

They are wisdom itself, they live with one mind

There is no separation of 'you' and 'me'

There is no 'your country,' 'my country'

There is no 'your religion,' 'my religion'

Everybody will go to heaven while living

Everybody will live the life of heaven

They will do everything, following nature's law

They will do everything with trueness

And will thus have a perfect plan

They will live following that perfect plan

All humans will be complete

All will live for others with one mind.

Reference: The great teacher Woo Myung's book 
"The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living" p.330

Nature's Flow

Nature's Flow

Nature's flow is the mind of great nature 
The mind of Truth and the mind of the Creator 
The meaning of nature's flow is 'pure logic' 
What is pure is nature, Truth
Logic is Truth

Nature's flow refers to Truth itself 
As well as becoming Truth 
To do according to nature's flow is to do as Truth 
Nature's flow is to become Truth 
And to live the life of Truth 
Love, mercy, and compassion are deeds of Truth

Nature's flow is 
To become Truth and to live as Truth 
To live according to nature's flow 
Means to exist as it is as completion itself 
Nature's flow is without conflict, without hindrance

'Purity' and 'logic' mean Truth, the origin 
The life Truth leads to the life of nature's flow 
How is the time of nature's flow, when people became Truth 
How to the time when people according to the flow of nature

Love, mercy and compassion 
All mean the life of Truth 
Nature's flow is 
About becoming Truth and living as Truth 
Nature's flow means perfection 
Living according to nature's flow means that one is alive 
Nature's flow is the life of heaven 
Nature's flow is the mind of God 
Which never dies and lives eternally 
That which is God 
Is also nature's flow and the life of nature's flow 
Nature's flow is living 
It is to become the never-dying God and 
To live in the world of the never-dying God

Reference: The great teacher Woo Myung's book 
"The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living" p.199

Only Those Who Go To Heaven While Living Can Go To Heaven

Only Those Who Go To Heaven While Living Can Go To Heaven

Heaven is the land of Truth; it is the Creator of the universe, energy and light, and the Great Soul and Spirit. 

The land of Truth is God itself, who created the great universe. 

It is the living God itself that existed before the beginning and exists after the beginning. 

It cannot be discarded no matter how hard we try. 

This existence alone is the living existence and only this is Truth. 

Only this existence is the way, Truth and life.

We must have the widest, biggest, lowest, highest, and cleanest mind without self to become the existence of the universe itself. 

This is the way to heaven. 

This existence of the universe is the only Truth there is and becoming it means becoming Truth. 

One cannot live without being reborn as the body and mind of this existence of the universe. 

Only this existence is life; only it is energy and light itself. 

No one can go to heaven without becoming this existence. 

A person's mind is full of attachments, self-centeredness, his conceptions of the shape of his individual self and even his own world which is hell. 

When he discards this mind, then the real world as it is becomes his mind, wherein heaven, earth, and humans exist; the world would be heaven and heaven would be in his mind.

No one can live forever without his mind being reborn as the Creator, Truth, while living. 

No one can live without being Truth while living. 

Thus, one must be a true person to live forever. 

If I am not true now, I will die when my body dies. 

I will die because what is not real is fake. 

Some people have the illusion in their false minds that someone will physically take them to heaven. 

However, going to heaven is when the mind becomes Truth. 

It does not mean that someone will take us to a place that we think is heaven somewhere in the world.

This universe, made by the will of God, is the most beautiful place. 

Your mind will become Truth and you will live forever right here in this land by being reborn as the body and mind of Truth.

For those whose mind does not become Truth, they will die completely when their bodies die. 

They will never be awakened from the illusionary false dreams for their minds are not Truth. 

This is hell. 
This is death.

Reference: The great teacher Woo Myung's book "The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living" p.141

Who Will Accuse Whom? Who Will Blame Whom?

Who Will Accuse Whom?
Who Will Blame Whom?

Only a wise person knows when he is to blame.

People easily blame their ancestors and others whenever things do not work out their way. 

Politicians also insist that they are right. 

This is why governments battle. 

Religions also insist that only theirs is right and that others are wrong, and so there has never been a time without religious conflict. 

Historically, people believe that religions which have become well-established over time are not false and that new religions are. 

This causes conflict. 

He who is not complete is false, so we must not make judgments of other religions or slander others, but rather just cleanse our false selves.

Reference: Great Teacher Woo Myung's book "The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living" p. 99